Western Idaho Fair

Singer Songwriter Kimberlee to Perform at the Western Idaho Fair

Kimberlee has created her own genre of music by absorbing so many others. Music is a universal language, according to her, and can blur cultures, race and genre. Her passion and soul come all the way from the bottom of her toes, up through her seasoned lungs, and out her story-telling mouth. This woman is real. She writes, plays, sings, and records all her own music. Every lyric is true and personal and her vocal strengths are impressive and engaging. She is a far cry from pop culture and a breathe of fresh air.

Kimberlee worked and trained with some of the most renowned people in the music industry. She studied under Judy Davis, who trained the likes of Frank Sinatra, Janis Joplin, and Barbara Streisand, and worked with Paul Laurence to produce her latest album, "What Am I Gonna Do?"

As a nationally distributed recording artist, she gained television and newsprint exposure, but all this attention has left Kimberlee belting out urban rock as though she were brand new. She will be performing at the Western Idaho Fair August 20th - August 23rd 7:00 & 9:00pm.

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